Monday, February 27, 2017

They're Everywhere - Another 66-1

I was happy, really.  I had just gotten the 1883 IF cleaned up.  I had someone give me another Singer treadle.  And though it wasn't the correct one for the IF, I figured I could make it work.  Then, dangit, then this shows up on Craigslist today for $50.

Friday, February 24, 2017

New Family Needles Again

I came into a variety of substitute needles for the New Family.  None are an exact match for the original.  I thought I would give a run down on what I've tried so far.

As a disclaimer, this is all very unscientific.  Measurements were taken using my son's school ruler.  Also the ISMACS chart lists lengths as "to point".  This might be causing mis-measurements on my part as in the majority of documents I've seen lists the "point" as the entire distance from the eye to the tip of the needle.  So I could be completely wrong in using "point" measurements from ISMACS as being end to end length.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Yep it Took a While - Cleaning the 1883 IF

On Sunday I was looking at the 1883 and thought, you know I could clean it up a little.  So I broke out the Singer oil and started going over it.  Then I noticed how icked up the thumb screws were, so I pulled them off to dremel.  Then the throat plate and bobbin cover.  Then... well next thing you know I had this.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

It is ALIVE! Cheating to Get the New Family Running

I ordered some kinda-sorta 12x1 needles off Ebay Monday night.  I thought I could be patient for them to get here.  I was wrong.

More Reading about Singer MFG Co and Isaac Singer

Two books to recommend for people who like sewing machines (Singers specifically) and history.  Both are available from Amazon (Kindle Unlimited if you have it). Click on the images to go to the Amazon page for each.

Don Bissell's book gives a great overview of the growth of the Singer MFG Co.

Alex Askaroff's book is the swashbuckling, though not always flattering, tale of Isaac Singer, the man.