Saturday, December 19, 2015

66 Derusting Begins

With the 15-30 put back together I had a tray's worth of Evaporust just laying about.  So it begins.  Still don't have a plan for the repainting; it's getting cold in Connecticut and I don't have a proper indoor painting space identified yet.  Also I'm waffling on what to do for decals.  My options are:  Wait till I'm back in Oklahoma next summer and see if a printing company a friend owns can handle it, print the waterslides myself on a cheesy laserjet (not very likely), order a set of the mixed reviewed waterslide decals that are on the expensive side or buy a set of NOS Chinese decals.  The last option would be the right one except the Chinese decals I've seen for sale are only Sphinx or Seagull style.  I have yet to see NOS Filigree. Decisions, decisions.  I'm leaning towards the Chinese Sphinx. Maybe.

Oh yeah came this close (' ') to buying a 1200 last night.  It was beat to death and even though it is basically a 201 with an presser foot mod I just couldn't see paying a hundred bucks (or 70 quid) for another machine that isn't exactly what I want and that needs restoration when I have the 66 in pieces and the 15-30 on deck.  Still keeping my eye out for a later 201-1 though.  I would love to have a machine with reverse on the treadle. 

Here's the Evaporust doing it's thing on the first batch.

An update.  After 24+ hours of soaking the Evaporust again underwhelmed with its uneven performance.  Some items came out completely rust free, other items like the stitch regulator, which you can see well saturated in the upper right corner of the above photo came out with large patches of rust remaining.

 Not everything was a letdown though.  I took the time to give three pieces a good rubbing with Mother's after Dremeling them.  How about this for a shine.

Maybe third time lucky.  I have another batch of the 66 internals in the Evaporust.  You can see some of the pieces from the yesterday's go are back for another attempt at getting the rust off.

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