Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy Birthday To Me - 29 Treadle (...umm parts)

(14 Jan, 2019 edit.  Once again, I originally had the machine called out as a 29K73.  Oops.)

The problem with the 29K72 is that it is not as petite as a 29-4, or even a 29K71.  So a standard table for normal sized 29s is just a tad short for it.  Taking that in mind my wonderful wife went out and for my birthday bought up some pieces me and the boy and hack on to make a DIY table.

Of course she hit up Norm again, who as always has plenty of Singer stuff available.  He had the remainders of a 29-4 table laying about.  A bit worse for wear, but hey it had most of the parts.

I might have to upgrade from the dremel to rotary tool with a little more heft for this amount of rust.  Or maybe move to a chemical solution.  This stuff looks interesting here

Well that's all the parts that came with this.  As you can see we are missing a couple of things.  Center brace and flywheel specifically.  The center braces are surprisingly easy to find so I'm not to worried about that.  The two groove flywheels tend to be a little less common, but still not what I would call rare.  I am thinking that the brace would be redundant right now as with my current 'Plan A' it would need to be cut as re-welded as well to fit the lengthened table.  Which is going to have the screw hole spacing extended to 10 1/2" from the current 7 3/4" to mount the 29K72.

 Of course there is always Plan B.  Which in this case would be an overlay for the current table which would hang over the drop for the arm and provide the base for the leg feet to mount on.  That one is tempting as it would allow me to keep the table at the dimensions for a 29-4 and I wouldn't need to fabricate a center brace from scratch.

Either way, it's going to be a lot of outside work to get it done.  Until it warms up everything is going to go into the sewing room for storage.

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